A summer of embroidery Pt2

Anna Fields EmbroideryAnna Fields EmbroideryAnna Fields Embroidery

On my summer vacations, as I previously mentioned I started some cross stitch projects, which are now finished. During my almost 3 month vacations, I managed to finish 3 projects, including this one (which was huge for me).I wanted to try a sampler cross stitch and found this book of Anna Fields, that has some amazing cross stitch patterns! I was immediately in love!

I chose this one as a first totally by chance, and nearly on the finish line I realised how true where the words I was stitching (for that period of my life, since we were moving to a different town). This one is going to my niece’s nursery (her name is Anna).

I loved cross stiching on a 28 count Jubillee so much, that Aida seems now really “cheep”.

Linking to Amanda, over at Crazy Mom Quilts, for a super Finish-It-Up-Friday!


Modern quilts by Zafiro Vaxevanidou

Zarkadia Quilting Co. is a home-based company that focuses on making special and unique quilts that hug and caress. Quilts are love, tenderness, warmth and cure. Enjoy and be inspired by this art form and know yourself in the process.

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Ariadne Skyrianidou
January 27, 2014 2:03 pm

A gorgeous sampler!Thanks for the links!AriadnefromGreece!

Tatiana Kontouli
January 11, 2014 10:51 am

Zafira this looks amazing!!! Congrats!

Zafira Vaxevanidou
January 11, 2014 9:20 am

Thank you both! Lots of hours spent on the beach, making this one!

January 10, 2014 11:04 pm

Wow that is something!!! Lots of hrs spent I bet stitching away at this and it was so worth it! Stunning finish!!

Kelly Cole
January 10, 2014 9:13 pm

a beautiful sampler! your niece will treasure it!

Love to read your comments!