Jelly turnover quilt

The last week I finished one of the tops that we were assigned to make at our local quilt group for charity purposes. We made 4 different tops using the same pattern from Moda Bake Shop: The Jelly Turnover Quilt. This is my version of the quilt!The pattern was really easy and the one different thing we did on the piecing/cutting part was that instead of cutting the squares, for the half square triangles, at 5” and then correct the finished HST, we cut our squares at 4” 7/8 inches so that the final HST di not need any correction. Really much more easier that way, but you have to try piecing with precision. Hopefully this week the quilt will also be binded, and I could show you the finished one for next week…

Now on this week’s statistics

Living room quilt: top pieced…just need to bind it.
Rose Star english paper piecing: just started!!
Dresden quilt: still handquilting.
Swoon quilt: piecing the top.

Group Projects
Hexagon quilt: top pieced
4 Jelly turnovers quilts
LG Pixel quilt: Pieced and ready to be quilted…mystery pixel quilt!
Stamp spool quilt: top pieced

Summary of this week’s stats:
Completed projects -2
New projects -2
Currently in progress -4

Now it is your turn! Hop over at Freshly Pieced and take a peek on how everyone else is doing.

WIP Wednesday at Freshly Pieced
Modern quilts by Zafiro Vaxevanidou

Zarkadia Quilting Co. is a home-based company that focuses on making special and unique quilts that hug and caress. Quilts are love, tenderness, warmth and cure. Enjoy and be inspired by this art form and know yourself in the process.

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Zafira Vaxevanidou
August 21, 2014 8:48 am

Thank you Shannon for such a great pattern!!! Here you can see the 4 quilts made from your pattern:

Shannon @ Modern Tradition Quilts
October 27, 2014 3:28 am

Thanks for sharing the link, I’ll check out the exhibit. Also, I have a flickr pool that I would like to invite you to share projects made from tutorials I wrote. Here is the link

Shannon @ Modern Tradition Quilts
August 20, 2014 4:31 pm

Hi! This is Shannon with Modern Tradition Quilts, who designed the Jelly Turnover quilt for Moda Bake Shop. I just adore how cute your quilt turned out and love the color selection you chose. The softer pinks and blues are fabulous! I too agree with your 4 7/8″ correction, in fact, I drafted it that way, but Moda has you use pre-cut 5″ squares which is why the pattern online was written to trim later. I’m glad you like it and either way works out well. Thanks for sharing your project, I am flattered that a pattern I wrote worked out well for you and your quilting group.

Zafira Vaxevanidou
June 16, 2014 7:11 am

Thank you all for your kind comments! The quilt is finished and I’ll be posting about it this week!!

Gemini Jen NZ
June 12, 2014 8:07 am

This is really pretty – I love the fabric colours and it is a super pattern!

June 12, 2014 6:39 am

Love it!!!!!Can’t wait to see it done!!!

June 11, 2014 6:32 pm

Love the sashing and cornerstones! Makes for a great geometric quilt!

June 11, 2014 4:53 pm

so pretty and such soft sweet colors!

Lynn White
June 11, 2014 10:53 am

Really like the geometry of it all as well as the colour combination, just beautiful.

Schulz Family
June 11, 2014 8:38 am

visiting from WIP Wednesday. This looks amazing.

Linda @ kokaquilts
June 11, 2014 8:32 am

A lovely fresh take on the old Shoofly block! and I like your colour scheme too, Linda

June 11, 2014 8:25 am

You’ve got a busy week ahead! That’s a gorgeous design for a quilt, good luck getting it finished!

June 11, 2014 7:09 am

Such pretty colours in that quilt top. Looks as though you will have a busy week working through your list.

Love to read your comments!